Hiranmay Darshane
Intrigued by pretty much everything under the sun.
Currently most interested by Large Language Models.
Perhaps, there should be more about me here,
but I believe each of my posts is a strong, core thesis that I hold,
and those summed together
are the most effective "about me" section possible.
Get in touch on twitter (@hdarshane) where I'm very active.
Alternatively: lastnamefirstname@gmail.com.
Moving Beyond "Beauty", "Elegance" and suchlike Abstractional Biases and dogmas, towards more utilitarian trade-offs.
Why we must seek a Science of Systems.
A case for working towards a general, application-agnostic and unified theory of Complex Systems with high explanatory power.
On AI Agents for Desktop Computing.
My lecture on the perplexing and counter-intuitive phenomena of "Grokking" in deep neural nets
Some eclectic perspectives from physics and compression to better grok the idea of grokking itself.
In addition, here's my Quora profile where I do have some answers that, albeit minimal, outline my core theses well enough.