Hiranmay Darshane

Intrigued by pretty much everything under the sun.
Currently most interested by Large Language Models.

Perhaps, there should be more about me here,
but I believe each of my posts is a strong, core thesis that I hold,
and those summed together are the most effective "about me" section possible.

Get in touch on twitter (@hdarshane) where I'm very active.
Alternatively: lastnamefirstname@gmail.com.


Moving Beyond "Beauty", "Elegance" and suchlike Abstractional Biases and dogmas, towards more utilitarian trade-offs.

A case for working towards a general, application-agnostic and unified theory of Complex Systems with high explanatory power.

Some eclectic perspectives from physics and compression to better grok the idea of grokking itself.

In addition, here's my Quora profile where I do have some answers that, albeit minimal, outline my core theses well enough.